We ensure you achieve end-to-end transformation by using people that have done so time after time. Where many promise universal expertise, we remain students of our craft to meet the challenges of tomorrow while learning from years of yesterday. 


Charles t. frampton | Managing director & owner

Charles has extensive experience as an executive in multiple industries and a breadth of clients served by his consulting firm: Westvale Consulting, LLC. 

Charles' clients have earned significant increase in revenue and earnings due to a dedicated focus on Strategy, Process, and Organizational Alignment. 

He has a BS in Industrial Engineering with a focus in OR from Rochester Institute of Technology and an MBA in Finance and Marketing from Northeastern. In addition, Charles has the timely continual training in strategy, process improvement, and technology to stay abreast of today's effective change methods. 

Stanley Sabin | Business Development & Coaching

Stan has worked with a broad range of clients which include small local businesses, regional mid-sized firms and large international organizations. 

Stan uses his energy and experience coupled with a focused approach to successfully accelerate his clients' progress in both their organizational and business development efforts. 

Stan has a BS in Civil Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a MBA in Finance and Marketing from the University of Chicago.

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